First Blog, Yay!!

2 minute read


It is year 2022 and my resolution for this year is to write blogs about my day to day events/learning or if something interesting happens. I wanted to really do this atleast this time. Yes this time, I have been trying to have my own blog for atleast past 3 years and now It is finally happening.

Start blogging

My initial thought was to have blog integrated into my webpage however I do not want to create blog and also worry about scripts and styles. Then I remembered that github-pages seems to be cost and time effective options, So I went on checking about it and soon I realized that I have to do the same scripting and styling. It was at this point I stumbled upon static html file generators one of which is jekyll and I was surprised at number theme prebuilt and ready to go with this generator.

Following are list of AWS services required for setting up my webpage

  • Route53 for DNS
  • S3 for static page hosting in bucket
  • AWS Certificate manager(optional) to manage SSL certificate for my domains
  • CloudFront(optional) to glue/intercept requests to my domain and make then secure

image-right Now that I worked out a target, I gathered energy to update my website to include a blog redirectors and some filters to blogs list. These redirectors will be containing a short summary of the blog content. I familiarized/refreshed myself again with typescript, css, and other static page related concepts. Also I understood Observables in typescript little better than last time. I setup my personal machine with environment and began rewriting my code. Following improvement or changes I did to my webpage code.

  • Improved service typescripts to better cache responses
  • Improved production and development builds and configurations
  • Updated google universal analytics to google gtags analytics
  • Done various minor improvements
  • Added new Blogs page to list blogs
  • Filterable blogs list with route stored filter states

Now my webpage is updated to provide a short summary on all blogs that I am going to create in my blogs page. In order to get jekyll up and running I had to do following steps

  • Install Ruby with devkit
  • Setup MSys in Ruby setup
  • Install bundler and jekyll
  • Create jekyll project using jekyll new <ProjectName>
  • Tried few different themes and finally settled with gem-themes

After creating first jekyll project it is very straight forward to add markdown posts and that brings us to this my first blog post.

What happens next?

I am sincerely planning to create more such a blog posts. Right now I have in mind to post only blogs related to some exciting new knowledge or events that I come across.

I hope you have a wonderful day

Jeslas Pravin

